I loved the classes and I certainly know that Joseph did too. I would like to take the opportunity for thanking you for all you have done, especially in those first few months of becoming a new mummy. I have loved every Monday thanks to your classes (great unwind from what‘s usually a very busy weekend!) I‘ve thoroughly enjoyed the time the classes give between just me and baby, I actually switch off from all the others things we think about and concentrated just on him and me. I will be trying to carry this on! I‘ve taken away things from classes and incorporated into our every day routines and life. I love seeing Joseph getting all excited now in anticipation of little things we do, rolling on my legs in a real winner! Finally, the classes have given me a great opportunity to make some fabulous friends. We have felt extremely silly at times doing things in baby yoga (camel walking), but it‘s all been such great fun. Thank you for all of your excellent advice too and I love reading things you post on Facebook too.
Baby Massage & Yoga
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