Pregnancy Yoga

From 14 weeks until birth

These classes provide a safe, enjoyable and relaxed haven for you to explore the connection between you and your baby.

We make physical space in the body and emotional space in the heart for your baby whether it’s your first or subsequent pregnancy.

These classes support you throughout your pregnancy, exploring breathing techniques, yoga, massage, movement, dance and sound to help prepare and empower you for giving birth.

Every class ends with a deep relaxation allowing you to release tension and help quiet the mind. You and your baby are nourished and energy is replenished.

A consistent and regular practice will regulate your nervous system, help a  better connection with your pregnancy and unborn baby, helps you tap into an inner confidence and resilience. This will serve you well during childbirth and help with the challenges of life with a baby.

No yoga experience needed.

Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga

1. Yoga encourages feeling good

Pregnancy yoga sequences are relaxing and help us produce oxytocin, the baby bonding hormone which orchestrates the bodies’ natural pain reliever and contributes to our level of happiness. When our breath and body flow together, the body moves with greater ease and balances our internal systems, helping our bodies cope well with stress.  In fact with a regular yoga practice, situations which were once stressful often disappear.
When women come together for these nourishing practices the magical hormone of ‘oxytocin’ weaves its way through the air, our bodies and babies, creating the lovely warm fuzzy feeling of happiness, security, and relaxation.  Once we’ve got it running through our bodies, it’s far easier to recreate this beautifully abundant nourishing cocktail in our labour and birthing experience.
Many students say that these yoga classes are the highlight of their week, when they really get time to bond with their babies and relax their bodies.

2. Yoga prevents and alleviates pregnancy ailments

The myriad of experiences we encounter as women journeying through pregnancy is huge and can be all encompassing. It can be joyful, uplifting and exciting, and it can be niggling, painful and downright frustrating too. We need to find ways to enjoy living on a day to day basis for nine whole months and to synchronise with the ebb and flow of hormonal, emotional, physical and mental changes.  A regular yoga practice can help alleviate pain, relaxed your body and mind and help find new ways to move.

3. Yoga connects with our instinctive nature and inner voice

The beautifully flowing, rhythmic nature of the yoga moves when practised regularly enables our body memory to store the moves, so we can move and breathe more and more instinctively, leaving thoughts to the side.  When in touch with our instinctive nature we have a heightened awareness of what we need, what is instinctively right for ourselves and our babies.  This important inner voice becomes louder and clearer the more relaxed we are and the greater our ability to relinquish control, to let go.  We can find this through our yoga practice, with our breath and movement combined.

4. Yoga uses sound

Sound can help release the cervix and prevent tearing. Using sound can really help and release birthing muscles! Laughter and shared sound helps you feel less self conscious and more confident I your voice.

5. Yoga improves blood circulation

We become our growing babies’ life force, without us they cannot survive. We grow a placenta and our babies are nourished through this powerful tree of life.  We focus on many practices that energise our bodies and improve our blood flow, to carry vital nutrients via the placenta to our babies. Quality blood circulation is crucial in pregnancy.

6. Yoga brings friendship

Women coming together and feeling a sense of inclusion and shared experience, is central to us feeling emotionally supported in pregnancy.  When we get this support our babies know it!  An absolute essential ingredient to a positive pregnancy is to feel nurtured and not alone. Sharing a precious, deeply important and necessary first year, for you to spend time with your ‘yoga mums’ and their beautiful growing babies. Sharing the funny moments along with the tiredness and anxieties too helps you offload.

7. Yoga is empowering

In society, pregnancy can be a time where there is a lot of fear and avoidance, yoga can help you to stay in the celebration and power of motherhood, embracing the ups and downs with yoga modifications and lots of breathing and relaxation.

8. Yoga connects you with your baby

Love nestles itself deep within the heart of yoga.  Embarking on a pregnancy yoga journey brings so much potential for a precious, deeply connected beginning with our babies.  The sequences, meditations and breath work give lots of guidance into bonding. In the still of the yoga space it’s very easy to listen to my growing baby communicating with you, and often you can truly listen and hear your baby. The potential for growth and human connection when women come together can be the truly magical.

Pregnancy Yoga

I started pregnancy yoga with Julie when I was 14 weeks pregnant. From the moment I walked into her class I instantly fell in love with her warm personality and beautiful way of teaching. She creates a safe space for me to laugh, cry and meet beautiful friends. During my labour and birth I used the techniques I learnt during all of my classes…
Julie’s classes gave me great confidence to believe in myself and my body. By attending Julie’s classes I found my village of mums

Iwalda Howard

Baby Massage

The course exceeded my expectations. I found the massage tremendously therapeutic for me as well as for my baby, and really feel that the engagement and bonding that the massage facilitated has been invaluable to both of us. She loves her massage sessions and attending the course has given me the confidence to spend time just ‘being’ with her, stroking and talking to her without feeling “I must do the ironing/I must put the dinner on” every time she has a quiet moment!

Helen & Matilda

Mum & Baby Yoga

Baby yoga is without a doubt one of the highlights of my mummy week. It provides me with a chance to do something fun and interactive with my son while also focusing on me. As a new Mum it also provides a nurturing space in which to develop, gain confidence and just as importantly make friends with other new mums. Julie is a great facilitator, not just a teacher and creates a lovely environment where worries can be shared and giggles a plenty can be had. I was also lucky enough to do Julie’s baby massage course and loved it – it proved to be a lovely bonding experience for my son and I as well as helping me to meet other new mums. I would highly recommend both courses!

Ellie & Charlie

Baby Massage & Yoga

I have been going to Julie’s classes since my daughter was a few weeks old. In the early days this helped tremendously with bonding and learning my babies cues. The nurturing and supportive environment she creates and the way she facilitates the sessions is why we keep coming back. I have not found classes as good as hers. We now regularly attend family yoga classes. As my daughter is getting older it provides an inclusive environment where she can express herself and for parents too. One session we all rolled along the floor. I hadn’t done this in years. We had so much fun together and dad gets to come too as it is on a Saturday. After all the fun the relaxation element is beautiful as we all get to relax together and just be which is sometimes a rare occurrence in our busy lives.


Baby Massage & Yoga

I wanted to say thank you, you’re classes have all been brilliant from baby massage when Ellie was just 3 weeks old to outside yoga on the Rec! You’ve been a big part of helping me navigate motherhood and I am very grateful.

Susie and Ellie

Family Yoga

The family yoga was a great experience for all of us. It gave adults, babies, toddlers and preschoolers space to enjoy relaxing together in a calm and imaginative way. My 4 year old still enjoys doing some of the yoga moves at home. Baby Nomads Family Yoga is a welcome respite to a busy, hectic family life. Its a chance to reconnect with you children, in a safe and welcoming space. My children love Julies positive encouragement and full attitude. A highlight of our month!


Pregnancy Yoga

I felt this overwhelming feeling of calm using my golden thread breath and keeping upright rotating my hips like we’d done in class. Thank you for your knowledge and support my mum who is also a yoga teacher could not believe how calm I was she praised you in the delivery room!


Pregnancy Yoga

I just have to say that I really thought your class was beautiful, it was comforting and spiritual, being perfect for expectant mothers.


Pregnancy Yoga

I just wanted to say a huge oxytocin love eyes THANK YOU for your pregnancy yoga course! All of the practices you taught me were so useful; especially rolling cats and not being afraid of making noises! The golden thread and whispering breath helped me keep calm and focused on baby and not panic 🙂 The difference between this experience and our first couldnt have been any more acute. I felt calm and excited to birth, It is all down to yoga and feeling so strongly connected to myself. So thank you, because you were a huge part of this amazing time.


Baby Massage

Absolutely brilliant course, shame it was only 6 weeks long! Gave me lots more confidence in handling Lucas, got me out the house meeting other mums which was great and the conversations each week I found really helpful; like making me realise I hadnt dealt with the traumatic birth yet. Evelyn-Rose and I thoroughly enjoyed the baby massage course. It was a great escape from the rest of the world. I also liked being able to share little problems each week and trouble shoot with you and the other mummies. We had already built up a massage routine before bedtime, but before the course I had fallen into a rut of always doing the same things and not really feeling and responding to Evelyn. The course has given me the confidence to experiment and make changes based on her mood. I have also learnt to massage her back for the first time and she absolutely loves it! Thanks once again.


Baby Massage

Thank you for a great course. Emily and I really enjoyed it. I loved that it gave me something else that I could do with Emily that we both really enjoyed as I have struggled at times to know what I can do with a young baby. I also found it really helpful to learn things that werent necessarily associated with massage – for example how to pick up your baby without startling them and how to calm them down by putting their hands on their chest. These are skills I use everyday and taught my husband! Thanks again we loved it and cant wait for baby yoga!


Baby Massage & Yoga

I loved the classes and I certainly know that Joseph did too. I would like to take the opportunity for thanking you for all you have done, especially in those first few months of becoming a new mummy. I have loved every Monday thanks to your classes (great unwind from whats usually a very busy weekend!) Ive thoroughly enjoyed the time the classes give between just me and baby, I actually switch off from all the others things we think about and concentrated just on him and me. I will be trying to carry this on! I‘ve taken away things from classes and incorporated into our every day routines and life. I love seeing Joseph getting all excited now in anticipation of little things we do, rolling on my legs in a real winner! Finally, the classes have given me a great opportunity to make some fabulous friends. We have felt extremely silly at times doing things in baby yoga (camel walking), but its all been such great fun. Thank you for all of your excellent advice too and I love reading things you post on Facebook too.

Kim & Joseph

Baby Massage & Yoga

Ava and I have loved both the massage course and the yoga. The course content was pitched at the right level for both first time Mums like myself but also seemed to be right for others who had done some massage with their older children. You have an incredible amount of knowledge about the subjects you teach and clearly love what you do which I think is what makes the sessions work so well. You have made us feel very welcome in classes and tailored each session to help with whatever the week has thrown at us… and I always left feeling calmer about things and more confident. Ava loved the various songs (even when I forgot some of the words at home), her particular favourites are little green frog and wake up legs. She also loves going up side down!!!!

Katherine & Ava

Baby Yoga

We loved the Baby Yoga sessions you gave us loads of yoga based games / exercise to play with Noah, it was clear on all the babies faces that they enjoyed it too. I really enjoyed Going to the moon& ‘Giddy up horsey& ‘Baby Hokey kokey. Learning the safe hold was very used full and there were too many exercises to mention that I will be working on. Noah slept like a log when I would get him home after class so it was also a great way to wear him out. I have really enjoyed the Parent and Baby Yoga course with Julie. It is the one class I have looked forward to the most each week and planned my day around especially. Julie is very attentive and nurturing; checking in on us at the beginning of each session. She is clearly very experienced and knowledgeable. I love how she adapted her sessions each week according to our needs. She is very professional. I attended this course two years ago and it has been strange adjusting to zoom classes with my second baby, but Julie has provided the course content with the same excellent skill. The cameras she uses were really helpful. I will continue to recommend Julie and her courses! We loved her baby massage course and family yoga too x

Sarah & Noah