Consent in Childbirth

Rumination & Education

Simplifying prolapse

​This is where the pelvic organs (bladder, uterus and bowel) aren’t properly supported by the pelvic floor muscles and you may get a protrusion through the vagina. This protrusion or ‘sticking out’ is not the organ itself, it is the bulge of the affected area which presses into the vagina walls. It does not come through it.

It can also feel like heaviness, a dragging sensation or some ladies describe the feeling like a tampon isn’t sitting correctly.

Types of prolapse

If there is a weakening of the anterior (front) of the pelvic wall, then the bladder (where your urine/ wee is stored) may sink back into the vaginal walls which can then ‘drop’ down. You may hear this called a cystocele.

If there is a weakening of the posterior (back) of the pelvic wall then the rectum (where your faeces/ poo is stored) may sink into the vaginal wall which can then ‘drop’ down. You may hear this called a rectocele.

The rectum can slip/descend down and protrude outside the anus. This is called an anal prolapse.

If the uterus/womb descends or lowers into the vagina (the internal ‘tube’ or canal where you have vaginal sex, where menstrual blood comes out and where a baby comes through) this is a uterine prolapse.

All prolapses can vary from mild to severe depending on where they are sitting. Health professionals tend to diagnose them from Grade 1 to 5.  Grade 1 being the mildest and the “bulge” is supported higher up in the vagina and the more sever prolapse a Grade 5 the bulge is visible outside of the vagina.

Symptoms show themselves in different ways in every woman. Seeking help from a GP or pelvic health physiotherapist will help you gain more of an understanding of your condition, and get an assessment of both your prolapse and pelvic floor. Please don’t freak out immediately after having this diagnosis. Quite often a holistic approach to healing can help enormously i.e. looking at breath patterns, strengthening and releasing exercises, nutrition and diet, stress triggers.  Prolapses can also go up and down, and a recent study showed that physiotherapy helped improve 80 percent of ladies without the need for medical or surgical treatment.

The take home message is talk about your symptoms with someone you trust, understand the options you have available, taking steps to treat a prolapse when it is mild and in the early stages is always easier than leaving things to progress.  Just like we would our teeth and going to the dentist.

Contact Gemma McGregor of Specialised Physiotherapy who will take you through a thorough consultation and offer solutions

How I can help

Having experienced a minor bladder prolapse myself which has been dramatically improved by doing my own yoga based exercises. I am in a strong position to support you from a more holistic approach.

My 6 week pelvic health course will give you simple, effective exercises to help with prolapse. Classes are online, recorded and you get homework every week where you can keep a record of your progress.

BOOK HERE for the online course which starts on April 22nd

Posted in Lady Massage, One to One.


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