Massage & Movement

Hello. I’m Julie!

I’m Julie Bickerton, here to support and nurture you through positive touch and accessible yoga. Providing safe spaces where we can be honest and open about our experiences and building communities where lifelong friendships are made.

After my training as a baby massage instructor and having my son in 2007, my fascination with babies continued to grow and broaden.

Now in my midlife I am expanding my experience to support women through this period of their incredible lives.

Connection through touch brings great waves of joy. Stillness gives us chance to stop and breathe.  Movement through playful yoga brings ease in our body and reminds us that we are indeed powerful beings of creation!

I love dancing (hosting The Cosmic Kitchen Disco with Nicola Smith or Embodied Living), wild swimming (I set up a community of wild swimming friends which collectively we are known as The Wild Women of the Waters), singing (with The WaWa Women) and acroyoga (with Acro Alchemy).

Our major transitions as women throughout our lives are often shrouded in secrecy, unrealistic expectations, social media driven perfection, lack of support and an overload of misinformation.

We need a supportive and nurturing environment in order to flourish through these transitions. As we move away from the fold of our families, we need to create another village to help raise our children and to find kindred spirits who share our approach to life and parenting. Honest conversation means we can be more accepting of ourselves and of others.

By finding this community we can share information (and not rely on google), responsibilities, stories, ideas and offload worries in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

These major transitions naturally lead to major transformations as a woman. Through this we are looking for support and signposts; ways of raising our spirits as well as our children. You are your baby’s source and you need that nurturing. This may not be found through the conventional avenues of healthcare.

Instead, sharing a deep connection to yourself and your family through an accessible and fun experience of massage and movement. At your core you are still YOU. Amazing YOU with a lifetime of experiences which you bring to motherhood.


Baby Classes

A valuable investment for both you and your child

Yoga Classes

Support from pregnancy through to menopause

Personalised Treatments

Deep healing to promote your well being

Healing Through Nature

Essential oils to benefit you and your family